Air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions : EC trading system.Green Paper

The Council recalls its support for the development of the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) and its agreement that priority actions should be taken in the field of transport, energy and industry. The Council has considered a list of priorities of action defined by the Commission in its communication of 8 March 2000. The Council have selected issues that have particular importance for both European Community and Member States climate change strategies and need to be considered as a priority with a view to providing significant effects in the 2008-2012 period as well as to show demonstrable progress by 2005. The Council encourages the Commission to make progress and to propose concrete measures, especially within the framework of the European Climate Change Programme taking into account, inter alia, the environmental and cost-effectiveness of the measures. In addition, the Council emphasises the need for urgent decisions on proposals already under examination, in particular the draft Directive on the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market, the framework for energy product taxation, and the measures under discussion in the field of freight transportation. In the field of transport, the Council requests the Commission to study and prepare measures for various issues including reduction of CO2 from vehicles, reduction of all greenhouse gas emissions from air conditioning vehicles, etc. The Council highlights the need to reduce emissions from power and heat production; reduce emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6. The importance of consistency between climate change policies at EU and national levels and the guidelines on environment and state is stressed. Moreover, the Commission is invited to to include an anlysis of economic measures in the context of common and coordinated policies and measures within the ECCP. The Council underlines the importance of considering adaptation of taxation on energy saving products and services, in order to create appropriate incentives for the consumer.�