The Council held a policy debate on this issue, on the basis of a Presidency's compromise suggestions and took note that the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Greek delegations still disagreed at this stage with the current wording on the financing issue. The Council agreed to instruct the Permanent Representatives Committee to pursue the in-depth examination of the dossier in order to report back to the Council at its forthcoming session with a view to reaching a possible political agreement.
The Presidency's compromise addresses three key issues, whose main elements are:
- Scope of control measures : the Community target established for breeding flocks of Gallus gallus for a transitional period of three years shall cover the five most frequent salmonella serotypes in human salmonellosis. For laying hens broilers and turkeys, during the above mentioned period, Community targets shall cover two serotypes with a possible extension to five serotypes;
- timetable for their implementation and their financing : the dates for the implementation of the provisions on controls are expressed in months after the entry into force of the Regulation;
- financing of the measures : all costs incurred implementing mandatory control measures would, in principle, be eligible for Community co-financing. However, a decision on the level of resources to be allocated would be taken at a later stage.�