The Council accepted 8 amendments proposed by the European Parliament, these are as follows.
The common position introduced more detailed provisions concerning transitional arrangements. This aimed to safeguard investments made by Member States in the period before the entry into force of the regulation.
From the point of view of the form, the common position reduces the number of articles. The provisions of chapter II and III of the Commission's proposals were merged under a single chapter.
As in the case of the other specific regulations, the Council considered that the issue of consultation of stakeholders was of horizontal nature and, as such, more appropriate to be dealt with in the framework regulation.
The Council made no substantial changes to the text as submitted by the Commission. However, it reshuffled the text considerably in order to make it easier to understand.
The Council inserted more detailed provisions concerning transitional arrangements with a view to protecting the investments made by Member States in the period before the entry into force of the Regulation.
Like in the other specific Regulations, the Council felt that the consultation of stakeholders was an issue of a horizontal nature, which should be dealt with in the framework Regulation.
To be noted finally that annexes I and II to the Regulation have been revised by an ad hoc experts group, which refined the relevant texts.
The Council considers that the texts of its common position on the Single European Sky package are appropriate and balanced. With respect to the amendments submitted by the European Parliament in first reading, the Council observes that the large majority of these amendments are, as to their aim and spirit, very similar to the corresponding provisions of the Council's common position. Therefore, the Council holds the opinion that the texts of its common position ensure by and large that the aim sought by these amendments is achieved.
Finally, the Council would like to underline that the agreement that it has reached in respect of civil-military cooperation, which in its present form is acceptable to all relevant parties in the Member States, constitutes the fruit of much and hard work with respect to this very delicate issue.�