EC/Slovakia Europe agreement: additional Protocol

This proposal for a Council and Commission decision aimed to conclude an additional protocol to the Europe agreement between the Community and Euratom of the one part, and the Slovak Republic of the other part. This protocol, concluded for an unlimited period, covered exclusively Community areas of responsibility. In fact, it aimed to involve the Slovak Republic in a series of Community programmes and initiatives in the following fields: - research and technological development (4th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development), - information service, - environment (LIFE), - education, training and youth, (Socrates, Leonardo, Youth for Europe III), - social policy and health, - consumer protection, - small and medium-sized entreprises, - tourism, - culture, - audiovisual sector (MEDIA Programme), - civil protection, - facilitation of exchanges, - energy (Thermie, Altener, SAVE), - transport, - fight against drugs and drug addiction. In addition to these fields, the parties could agree together to add other areas of cooperation to this list. The Slovak Republic's participation in these programmes would help promote its integration in the European Union and help it to become more familiar with the methods of managing Community programmes in all areas. An Association Council would determine the procedures and conditions for the Slovak Republic's participation in the various programmes listed. The Slovak Republic should take responsibility for the costs of its participation and, if necessary, the Community could decide, on a case-by-case basis, to supplement its contribution. With regard to the procedures required for the entry into force of this protocol, ratification by each Member State would not be required since this protocol only covered Community areas of responsibility. �