Waste: control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the EC (amend. Regul. 259/93/EEC)

The Council adopted the common position unanimously. It considered that the essential factor was to incorporate as quickly as possible into Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 the substance of Decision II/12 (confirmed by Decision III/1), namely a ban (immediate or delayed, depending on the type of operations involved) on exports of hazardous waste, irrespective of the technical points that would have to be clarified. None of the amendments adopted by Parliament and accepted by the Commission were incorporated into the common position. These amendments covered: - the decision of the Third Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention; - the need to adjust EU definitions and lists of hazardous waste to bring them into line with the Basel Convention; - the establishment of a new Annex II (a), also subject to the export ban.�