EC/Moldova Partnership and Cooperation Agreement

The committee recommends that Parliament give its assent to the conclusion of the partnership and cooperation agreement between the EU, of the one part, and Moldova, of the other part (rapporteur Mr Alexandros ALAVANOS - GUE/NGL, EL). Members were reminded that the vote was to be held in plenary and would be based on the majority of votes cast. The agreement, which was based on the European agreements signed with the CEECs, should serve to promote inter-State cooperation and encourage the development of the economy, but was not ultimately aimed at any future accession to the EU. The partnership agreements with the independent States of the former Soviet Union were to replace the agreements on trade and economic cooperation signed with the USSR in 1989. These place emphasis on respect for human rights and democratic principles and on the market economy and also include a democracy clause linking respect for these principles to the full implementation of the partnership agreement. The basic objective is to establish a political dialogue, in the widest sense, which will focus in particular on security and stability in Europe. Taking place against a background of political instability due to the collapse of the USSR, the partnership agreements seek to strengthen the independence which has been acquired and to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of those concerned. �