Inland waterways vessels: technical requirements


Amendments adopted by the European Parliament and accepted by the European Commission concern three amendments to the recitals, one amendment to the articles of the Directive and two amendments to articles in Annex II of the proposed Directive.  The amendments accepted by the Commission note:

-         The coexistence of two sets of technical requirements.

-         That the technical requirements set out in the annexes to Directive 82/714 already incorporate most of the Regulation on Inspection of Shipping on the Rhine.

-         There should be a new recital recognising that the Commission proposal also covers vessels designed to carry more than 12 passengers.

-         There should be a new reference to the entry into force of the Directive.

-         There should be a reference to passenger sailing vessels in the list of definitions as well as a new chapter on passenger vessels. The aim of these amendments is to allow for the adoption of special provisions designed for this type of unusual craft.