Milk and milk products: statistical surveys

This interim Commission report was compiled pursuant to Article 8 of Council Directive 96/16/EC of 19 March 1996 on statistical surveys of milk and milk products. The report includes an introduction, a general approach used in legislation on statistics on milk and milk products, a description of the collection of statistical data on the protein content of milk and main milk products (which contains a general description and sets out the results obtained and difficulties encountered and finally, it sets out the methodology and technical questions concerning implementation of the new milk legislation which comprises of a description of the technical problems encountered in implementing the legislation, together with proposed solutions. At Community level, statistics on milk and milk products are governed by Council Directive 96/16/EC on statistical surveys of milk ad milk products and by Commission Decision 97/80/EC laying down the provisions for the implementation of the Council Directive. Article 8 of Council Directive 96/16/EC provides that, no later than 1 July 1996, the Commission shall submit to the Council a report on experience acquired in implementing the Directive. It should be emphasisied that the period during which this legislation has been implemented is not long enough to enable final conclusions to be drawn on the experience acquired to date. That is why the Commission is presenting only an initial appraisal in this interim report. The Commission considers that an additional period of implementation of the legislation in force should enable it to contain all the elements it needs in order to present on 31 December 2002 a more comprehensive report on the experience acquired plus, proposals regarding the definitive period. �