Return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State

PURPOSE : to amend Council Directive 93/7/EEC on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State. CONTENT : this proposal aims to introduce the two technical amendments to the Annex to Directive 93/7/EEC announced in the report on the application of Regulation 3911/92/EEC and Directive 93/7/EEC: 1) to replace the figure 0 applicable to certain categories of cultural goods in the Annex in order to avoid differences of interpretation. The figure 0 is one of the values set out in heading B and it should be replaced with the text "whatever the value"; 2) to amend the note at the end of heading B by laying down, for the Member States not participating in EMU, a date for the conversion into national currencies of the values expressed in euro and a periodic adaptation of the amounts in national currencies every two years. The reference date chosen is 31 December 2001, the last day of the period of transition to the euro. For the periodic adaptation every two years, the system chosen follows the model for periodic adaptation laid down by the "public procurement" Directives. �