PURPOSE : to establish a training, exchange and assistance programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting (Pericles Programmes).
CONTENT : the introduction of the euro and economic and monetary union (EMU) entail unprecedented cooperation requirements in the field of currency protection. The specific needs engendered by these developments will also have to be reflected in the cooperation on training between the national authorities and the Community.
The objective is to benefit from the value added by the European dimension, to attain equivalent levels of training at European level and to ensure that national strategies are compatible. Training measures at national level will be of vital importance. It is for each Member State to determine which training activities can be organised in conjunction with the other Member States within the context of the Community or Union contribution. It should be noted that the implementation of the programme will be based on the active involvement of all the competent institutional bodies at European level and national level, and in particular the ECB and Europol.
The Community seeks to protect the euro against counterfeiting. It shall take account of transnational and multidisciplinary aspects. It shall concentrate on promoting convergence of the substance of measures so as to ensure equivalent levels of protection on the basis of mutually agreed best practice while also respecting the distinct traditions of each Member State.
In particular, its remit shall encompass:
- raising awareness of the staff concerned of the Community dimension of the new currency (also as a reserve currency and a currency for international transaction);
- acting as a catalyst to encourage closer cooperation between the staff concerned, the development of a climate of mutual trust and satisfactory mutual knowledge, inter alia of action methods and difficulties, by promoting various appropriate measures such as placements, specialist workshops or the involvement of guest speakers in national training and staff exchanges;
- promoting convergence of training for trainers in ways which are compatible with national operational strategies;
- expanding general knowledge of Community and international law and instruments.
The content of training and of operation support, based on a multidisciplinary and transnational approach, shall embrace not only security issues but also the exchange of information, in particular strategic information, and technical and scientific back-up.
Lastly, it is proposed that the "Pericles" action programme shall run from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2005.