A substantial number of amendments were accepted in full or in part, or in principle by the Commission. The following were accepted in full:
- most of the amendments regarding the scope of the Directive, including those relating to medical equipment.
- most of the amendments relating to definitions, except the references to "consumables" in the WEEE.
- on collections, systems to handle waste may be set up by producers individually or collectively.
- most amendments on recovery including that increasing the quantified targets for recycling and recovery of WEEE
- on information requirements, those extending the obligations of producers to users, and the possibility of penalties for failure to comply with separate-collection obligations.
The following amendments were accepted in part or in principle:
- on collection, there are amendments establishing a number of obligations. The Commission accepts part, but cannot permit Member States to depart from the free take back provision. It has doubts about the requirement to conduct recovery operations pursuant to certified management systems. The reference to 6kg/person/year is accepted but reworded. The definition of "collection facility" can be accepted in principle but is reworded.
- on treatment requirements, most amendments are accepted in principle. The requirements to be complied with in case of export of WEEE de facto amend the regulation on waste shipment. It is not appropriate to derogate from general rules on this in relation to recovery of WEEE, and the amendment is not accepted. The Commission suggests restricting the scope of the provision to shipment for disposal.
- on financing, the amendment that producers may be called upon to finance or co-finance collection from households can be accepted in principle. Responsibility for historical waste may be shared according to market share at time of a rising of cost, but the word "collectively" is deleted.
- most of the amendments on reporting requirements may be accepted but are subject to rewording.
- the change to the transposition deadline can be accepted, subject to possible review at the time of adoption of the directive.
Some twenty two amendments were not accepted, amongst which was the introduction of limits to the reuse of whole appliances. This would be difficult to implement. �