EC/Gabon fisheries agreement: protocol for the period from 3 December 2001 to 2 December 2005

PURPOSE : to conclude the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided by the Agreement between the European Community and the Gabonese Republic on fishing off the coast of Gabon for the period 3.12.2001 to 2.12.2005. CONTENT: the Protocol to the Fisheries Agreement between the European Community and the Gabonese Republic expires on 2 December 2001. A new protocol was initialled by both parties on 20 September 2001 fixing the technical and financial conditions governing the fishing activities of Community vessels in Gabonese waters during the period 3 December 2001 to 2 December 2005. The Commission proposes, on this basis, that the Council adopt the new Protocol. A proposal for a Council Decision on the provisional application of the new Protocol pending its definitive entry into force is the subject of a separate procedure. More specifically, for a period of four years from 3 December 2001, the fishing opportunities of the Agreement shall be as follows: a) demersal freezer trawlers fishing for crustaceans and cephalopods: 1 200 GRT per month, averaged over the year; b) freezer tuna seiners: 38 vessels c) surface longliners: 26 vessels. The financial contribution of the Agreement shall be fixed at EUR 1 262 500 per year, comprising EUR 378 750 financial compensation and EUR 883 750 for the measures referred to in Article 3 of this Protocol. The financial compensation for tuna fishing shall be EUR 787 500 per year and shall cover a catch weight in Gabonese waters of 10 500 tonnes of tuna. If the tuna caught each year by Community vessels in the Gabonese EEZ exceeds this weight, the amount referred to above shall be proportionately increased at the rate of EUR 75 per additional tonne. The measures set out below shall be financed from the financial contribution, to the amount of EUR 883 750 per year, broken down as follows: a) EUR 141 400 towards scientific and technical programmes to promote better understanding of the fisheries and living resources of the Gabonese EEZ; b) EUR 220 937 to the programme for the protection and surveillance of fishing zones; c) EUR 220 937 for institutional support to the administrative department responsible for fisheries; d) EUR 70 700 for study grants and practical training courses in the various scientific, technical and economic fields linked to fishing; e) EUR 44 188 for the Gabonese Republic's contributions to international fisheries organisations; f) EUR 35 350 for the expenses of Gabonese delegates participating in international meetings concerning fisheries; g) EUR 53 025 for vocational training for young people engaged in non-industrial fishing and aquaculture; (h) EUR 44 188 for technical assistance to the private non-industrial fisheries and aquaculture sector; (i) EUR 53 025 to strengthen capacity for health inspection and quality control of fishery products.�