Public health: control of salmonella and food-born zoonotic agents

The amendments accepted by the Commission concern the following: - the outcome of cost/benefit analyses to be provided by the Commission when defining Community targets is acceptable, as it avoids misinterpretation of the word "favourable" mentioned in the common position. The Commission clarified its intention in a declaration (see in Annex). The amendment does not hamper the principle of preliminary cost/benefit analyses when defining Community targets pursuant to the Regulation; - the scope of the Community targets during transitional periods is acceptable. The first part of the amendment concerning the use of historical data to define salmonella serotypes composing the target on breeding flocks of Gallus gallus during the transitional period, provides more flexibility than the text in the common position to use available data in the most appropriate way. The Commission clarified its intention in a declaration. The second part of the amendment can be accepted because it is consistent with the general principle established in Article 4, paragraph 4, to define targets on the basis of cost/benefit analyses; - the specific criteria to determine salmonella serotypes with public health significance, are acceptable. Another amendment makes reference to feed, which is consistent with the need to consider feed as a source of infection of animal populations. National control programmes have to cover the feed industry. Another amendment adds to the list of criteria, whether serotypes have a profile making them particularly hazardous for humans. The Commission can support that amendment. It should be noted that there were no amendments rejected by the Commission. The Commission has included two declarations in the framework of the second reading. These are as follows: - In relation to Article 4(4)(c): The Commission declares that, in relation to Article 4(4)(c), it will take due account of the results of cost/benefit analyses and other legitimate factors. It will not propose targets that would lead to disproportionate costs in comparison to the expected benefits of Community action. - In relation to Article 4(5), subpara. 2 : The Commission declares that, in relation to the use of data on human salmonellosis collected through EC monitoring systems to define salmonella serotypes with public health significance, it will take account both of historical data and of recent trends, as most appropriate to the circumstances.�