LIFE III, financial instrument for environment: actions after 31.12.1999 (repeal. Regulation (EEC) No 1973/92)

The Committee adopted with amendments a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) concerning the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE). The rapporteur is Mrs Marie-Noëlle LIENEMANN (PES, F). The general objective of LIFE is twofold: to contribute (1) to the development of Community environment policy (particularly as regards the integration of the environment and - according to an amendment adopted today in committee - sustainable development into other policies) and (2) to the implementation and updating of environmental legislation. LIFE has three themes: nature conservation, the environment, and help for third countries. The aim of the current proposal is to define the third phase of LIFE (2000-2004). The first two phases were 1992 -1996 and 1996 -1999. A budget of 613 million euros is suggested for the third phase in the Financial Statement drawn up by the Commission. However, in a key amendment the committee introduced into the text of the proposal a budget of 850 million euros. Another amendment says that priority may be given to projects liable to foster cross-border, transnational or regional cooperation. Innovative projects and those liable to create jobs are also singled out.�