Quality of petrol and diesel fuels: level of sulphur

The committee adopted the report by Heidi HAUTALA (Greens/EFA, FIN) broadly approving the proposal under the codecision procedure (1st reading), subject to a number of amendments. The committee called for the mandatory introduction of sulphur-free petrol and diesel fuel by 1 January 2008, three years ahead of the deadline proposed by the Commission. It also wanted off-road machinery and farm tractors to be included in the legislation, arguing that off-road machinery fuels must be subject to the same rules as road vehicle fuels to enable the off-road engine technology to develop and meet future emission standards. The committee called for the Commission to publish an annual report on actual fuel quality in the different Member States and geographic coverage of fuels with a maximum sulphur content of 10 mg/kg (ppm), in order to provide a clear picture of the situation EU-wide. Lastly, it advocated the use of tax incentives for cleaner fuels. �