The committee adopted the report by Albert Jan MAAT (EPP-ED, NL) broadly approving the proposal subject to a few amendments (under the consultation procedure). The committee was concerned that Parliament should be provided with better information to enable it to carry out its duties under the consultation procedure. It therefore introduced a number of new clauses stipulating that, before any agreement on renewal of the protocol, the Commission should submit to Parliament and Council a report on the implementation of the Agreement, including a cost benefit analysis, and a copy of the report on the targeted measures which the Gabonese authorities were required to provide in accordance with the Protocol. Only after both these reports had been received and Parliament consulted should the Council authorise the Commission to enter into negotiations for adopting a new protocol. The committee also wanted the Commission to ensure, during the negotiations, that the level of agreed fishing rights would be based on sustainable fishing and would not go against the interests of local fishermen.�