Roadworthiness tests for vehicles, speed limitation devices (consol. and amend. Directive 77/143/EEC)

The Commission adopted the report by Mr Spalato BELLERE (It, NI) on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles. This proposal also seeks to include the control of speed limitation divices on certain categories of heavy good vehicles among the roadworthiness controls prescribed by EU laws. It replaces a 20 year old Directive and all subsequent amendments in one tests. The rapporteur welcomes the Commission's proposal which considerably will improve the safety of road transport. The Committee slightly amended the proposal. The rapporteur saw his amendments adopted asking for stricter controls of light commercial good vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes. These vehicles should in future be tested within 3 years of the date the vehicle was first used, and thereafter every year. Given the limited capacity of testing centres, the Commission had proposed 4 and 2 years. Roadworthiness tests in all 15 Member States must be carried out by public authorities. Vehicle testing centres may be operated by private bodies, as already is the case in some states, but the independence and quality of the testing shall be ensured by Member State bodies or establishments. Monitoring of test centres may be carried out by means of spot checks.