Passenger ships: safety rules ans standards

The Committee adopted the draft recommendation by Mr Per STENMARCK (S, EPP) on Council's common position on safety rules and standards for passenger ships.After the coming into force of the directive concerned, the SOLAS Convention will apply equally to domestic voyages in the member states and the standards set in the High Speed Craft Code will apply also to high speed passenger craft. The rapporteur saw all his, mainly technical, - amendments for second reading adopted.The Council's common position takes on board more than half of Parliament's amendments with on occasion minor technical adjustments. In particular those that deal with the need to improve the professional training of crews and on the validity of security cerificates for shipping.In Article 1 of the draft directive the EP had proposed the improvement of measures to protect the environment but this was not retained by either the Commission or the Council. However, the committee has introduced a new amendment proposing that environmental protection be dealt with either within the framework of security, or as one of the aims of the directive.