The amended Commission proposal included three of the seven amendments adopted by Parliament:
- adding a new recital to ensure that testing is 'conducted methodically and to a high standard';
- adding a new recital calling on the Commission to report on the practical application of the
- providing the obligation for Member States to establish authorization and control systems that
ensure an acceptable quality standard for testing centres, particularly where they have the dual role
of roadworthiness testing and repair.
However, the Commission did not accept Parliament's amendments relating to the following:
- making reference to Parliament's resolution on codification and the interinstitutional agreement on
the accelerated working method for official codification;
- wanting the Commission to study the feasibility of extending roadworthiness tests to two and three-wheeled vehicles;
- increasing the minimum frequency of testing of light commercial vehicles and passenger cars from
a first test after the vehicles are four years old and thereafter every two years to a first test after they
are three years old and then every year thereafter;
- introducing a cold-start petrol-emission test for pre-catalyst cars and vans.