OBJECTIVE: conclusion of a new fisheries protocol between the Community and Mauritius,
establishing the technical and financial conditions under which Community fishing vessels can fish
in Mauritius waters in the period 1 December 1996 to 30 November 1999.
SUBSTANCE: The protocol which was initialled on 26 November 1996 provides for the following
fishing opportunities, which can be increased if necessary by the Joint Committee which manages
the Protocol:
- licences for 43 ocean-going tuna seiners;
- licences for 100GRT/month on an annual average for vessels fishing by line (except tuna trollers
and tuna surface longliners which may be granted licences on a case by case basis).
In compensation Mauritius will receive:
- financial compensation of ECU 1 218 750 payable in three annual instalments for a catch weight
of 7 500 tonnes of tuna fished per year. In excess of this tonnage, additional compensation of ECU
50 shall be paid for each additional tonne caught;
- a contribution of ECU 418 000 towards the financing of scientific and technical programmes for
fisheries development;
- awards for study and practical training for its fishermen up to ECU 110 000 over five years. Of this
amount up to ECU 30 000 may be used by the Mauritian authorities to cover the cost of attending
international meetings relating to fisheries.
The annex to the protocol contains the conditions for the pursuit of fishing activities by Community
vessels in the waters of Mauritius ( in particular, licence application and issuing formalities, validity
of licences, requirement to take on board Mauritian observers to check catches, fishing zones, radio
communication and reporting on catches).