OBJECTIVE: in connection with the revision of the Structural Funds, to present the specific
Regulation governing the ERDF for the period 2000-2006, taking account of the implications of
AGENDA 2000 (COS0590).
SUBSTANCE: the proposal concerns only the field of application of the ERDF, the overall logic
being described in depth in the general proposal on the Structural Funds (AVC98090).
The proposal does not radically alter the existing Regulation (Regulation (EEC) No 4254/88), as
the latter has proved effective. However, it does spell out certain details:
- the fund's task is defined more clearly: the ERDF has the objective of promoting economic and
social cohesion by correcting regional imbalances and participating in the development and
conversion of regions. It is also to contribute to promoting sustainable development and the creation
of jobs.
-financing: the ERDF partcipates in 4 types of financing:
(a) productive investment,
(b) investment in infrastructure, differentiated according to the region concerned,
(c) support for the development of endogenous potential (assistance to services for enterprises,
technology transfer, etc.),
(d) innovative and technical measures.
Special attention will be accorded to access to new financing techniques and neighbourhood
- fields of action: the proposal identifies the fields in which the ERDF is to provide funding: the
productive environment, research and technological development, the development of the
information society, the protection and improvement of the environment, equality between men and
women, European cooperation on regional development.
The new Regulation also states the specific field of action of the innovative measures.�