Ambient air quality: limit values for sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead

The Commission's amended proposal takes over totally or partly 19 of the 28 amendments adopted by Parliament at first reading. The amendments introduced by the Commission have the following effects: - setting of an alert threshold for NO2, based on a threshold for effects in sensitive subjects; - clarification of provisions requiring up-to-date information to be easily available to the public; - clarification on where ecosystem and vegetation limit values will apply; - simplification and strengthening of requirements relating to the measurement of pollution; - adaptation of measurement requirements to the situation of small islands, particularly those whose populations fluctuate because of tourism; - statement of the Commission's intention to submit revised proposals if necessary when it reports to Parliament and the Council in 2003 on implementation of the proposal for a directive; - statement of the importance of research on air pollution as a basis for any such revised proposals. The Commission was unable to accept the amendments seeking to: - define an alert threshold for PM10; - specify the methods by which information should be sent to NGOs; - delete the public information indicators; - call on the Commission to encourage research on air pollution; - make the limit value for SO2 markedly more stringent. �