PURPOSE: to present an adjusted proposal for the financial instrument for the environment (Life) with a view to its third phase, from 01/01/2000 to 31/12/2004.
CONTENT: Life will consist of three thematic components, with no more than 5% of resources for each one being devoted to accompanying measures:
1) Life-Nature (47% of resources): nature conservation projects and accompanying measures regarding the conservation of wild birds, natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, as specified in earlier Council directives and, in particular, the implementation of the Natura 2000 European network.
2) Life-Environment (47% of resources): demonstration projects and accompanying measures which further the integration of environmental considerations into land-use development and planning, the minimisation of the environmental impacts of industrial production activities, the recycling of waste and sound management of waste streams and the reduction of the environmental impact of products through an integrated approach to production, distribution and consumption, as well as preparatory projects to develop new environmental actions.
3) Life-Third Countries (6% of resources): technical assistance projects and accompanying measures contributing to the establishment of capacities and administrative structures in the environmental sector and the development of environmental policy and action programmes in third countries bordering on the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea other than the accession candidate countries.
This proposal makes provision for Life to also be open to the accession candidate countries and for consistency between Life and other Community financial instruments. Monitoring of projects is to be carried out through beneficiary's reports and sample checks by the Commission, on the basis of which allocation and timetabling of payments may be adjusted or, in the event of irregularities, cancelled. For the second and third components of Life, the Commission will be assisted by a Committee of representatives of the Member States which will give its opinion on the Commission's draft measure. The Commission will submit an evaluative report to the European Parliament and the Council by 31/12/2003 and provision is also made for a possible fourth phase of Life from 1/1/2005.�