Environment and health: waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE

PURPOSE : to protect the soil, water and air against pollution, through better disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). COMMUNITY MEASURE : Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). CONTENT : the Council adopted a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (so-called WEEE Directive). It has as its objective the protection of the soil, water and air against pollution, through better disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The Directive provides for: - a binding annual collection target of four kilograms of WEEE per person from private households; - free of charge collection facilities at Member State level; - the possibility for producers to put into practice individual or collective financing schemes for the collection of WEEE from private households; - financing by producers of collection, treatment, recovery and disposal costs for WEEE from users other than private households (the financial impact of this provision on producers is expected to be carefully considered by the Commission); - financing by producers, or by users other than private households, of the costs of "historical waste" management (WEEE from products put on the market between now and 2005); - clear marking by producers of electrical and electronic equipment in order to facilitate their identification and dating, as well as the later treatment and disposal of WEEE; - adoption of measures at Member State level in order to minimise the disposal of WEEE together with other types of waste. TRANSPOSITION : 13 August 2004. ENTRY INTO FORCE : 13 February 2003.�