PURPOSE : to lay down the animal-health rules governing the production, placing on the market and importation of animal origin intended for human consumption.
COMMUNITY MEASURE : Council Directive 2002/99/EC laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption.
CONTENT : this Directive lays down the general animal health rules governing all stages of the production, processing and distribution within the Community and the introduction from third countries of products of animal origin and products obtained therefrom intended for human consumption.
This text forms part of a series of proposals (4th proposal) on food hygiene, presented by the Commission in 2000 (please refer to the previous text). This Directive consists in particular of a consolidation of provisions taken elsewhere in the field of veterinary public health in order to introduce a greater transparency in the structure of Community legislation.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 12/02/2003.
TRANSPOSITION : 01/01/2005.�