Establishing a European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia

By adopting the report by Mr Glyn FORD (PSE, UK), the European Parliament approved the establishment of a European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia with the aim of making it part of the Community framework. The main amendments seek: -to accentuate the role of coordination and harmonization of studies on manifestations of racism and xenophobia, to encourage the analysis of the causes, consequences and effects of racism and to compare good practices in this respect; -to support the setting up and linking of documentation resources open to the public and to assist in the promotion of information activities; -to cooperate with other regional organizations active in this field; -in the setting up of the RAXEN network, to enable common criteria and comparable data to be established; -as regards the areas on which the Centre should concentrate its activities, to include religious freedom and preventive measures and means of action to combat racism and xenophobia; -to emphasize Parliament's role, especially in the formulation of conclusions and recommendations addressed to the Member States and also in the administrative field. To this end, Parliament wants to be able to appoint one of the people who will sit on the Centre's Executive Board and calls for the Chairman of the Management Board to be the Commission's representative. Parliament also wants to increase its control, especially in budgetary matters: it gives the Director discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget. The budget is to be established in accordance with the financial provisions that apply to the European Union's other 'satellite bodies'. Parliament also calls for the establishment of a budget with revenue and expenditure and for the adoption by the budgetary authority of the Community subsidy for the Centre. Each year it and the Council are to be informed of the accounts and all the Centre's expenditure; -to ensure that the staff are recruited without any discrimination on grounds of nationality on temporary or fixed-term contracts or on secondment from specialist bodies within or outside the European Union.�