In adopting the report drafted by Ms. Marie-Noelle LIENEMANN (PES, F), the Parliament called for a financial reference amount of EUR 850 million to be set aside for the third stage of the LIFE Programme which is to run from 2000 to 2004 in so far as this is possible from a budgetary point of view. The Parliament also stresses the importance of integrating environmental and sustainable development considerations in land-use development and planning, and as a matter of priority in urban areas. It is also keen to promote projects liable to foster cross-border, transnational or regional co-operation and projects likely to contribute to job creation. The Parliament would like to see greater synergy with the projects funded under the URBAN initiative.
The Parliament called on the Commission to draw up a report by 31/12/2002 evaluating the projects funded under LIFE, as well as to compile a database of projects funded under LIFE.�