OBJECTIVE: to amend framework directive (74/150/EEC) and certain individual directives on the maximum design speed of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors, in order to ensure freedom of movement within the internal market and improve road and passenger safety.
COMMUNITY MEASURE: European Parliament and Council Directive 97/54/EC.
CONTENT: the directive which has been adopted seeks:
- to amend the framework directive and the individual directives on European type-approval for tractors in order to increase the maximum design speed of the vehicle from 30 to 40 km/h;
- to amend directive 76/432/EEC on braking in order to introduce new technical specifications reflecting the fact that in future tractors will be permitted to run at faster speeds.
Two of the recitals of the directive focus on the need:
- to improve and harmonise all safety aspects, such as the installation of safety belts;
- to draw up Community legislation on pollution from tractors.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 30/10/1997