EC/Malta agreement: participation in Community programmes in the fields of training, education and youth

PURPOSE : to open up the Leonardo da Vinci II, Socrates II and Youth programmes to Malta. COMMUNITY MEASURE : Council Decision 2000/630/EC concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Community and Malta adopting the terms and conditions for the participation of Malta in Community programmes in the fields of training, education and youth. CONTENT : the participation of Malta in Community programmes is an important element of the pre-accession strategy for Malta. Through this Decision, the Council approved the Agreement enabling Malta to participate in the abovementioned programmes. The main points listed in the Agreement are the following: - the projects and intiatives presented by the Maltese participants shall be subject to the same conditions, rules and procedures relating to these programmes to which are applicable to Member States, in particular concerning presentation, evaluation and selection of the requests and projects, the responsibilities of the new national structures in terms of the implementation of programmes and activities linked to the control of their participation to the programmes; - with regard to financing, Malta shall make contributions relating to its participation in the programmes for the year 2000 out of its national budget. For the following years (2001-2006), Malta will partially use the pre-accession funds; - Malta will be invited to assist in the committees relating to the programme but only as observer on the issues which concern the country. The participation of Malta shall be valid for the duration of the LEONARDO and SOCRATES programmes, that is from 01.01.2000 and in the case of YOUTH, from 01.01.2001 until the end of the programme. ENTRY INTO FORCE : the Agreement shall enter into force on 29.09.2000.�