The European Parliament approves the report (co-decision, second reading) by Mrs. Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PES, Fr) on the Council's common position concerning the financial instrument for the environment (LIFE).
One of the main amendments relates to the financial framework for the implementation of the third phase for the period 2000-2004: an increase in the funding from EURO 613 million to EUR 850 million.
Another of the Parliament's key amendments related to comitology. The Parliament proposes that a 'LIFE Committee' consisting of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the Commission representative, rather than the regulatory committee, in the Council's common position.
Further amendments seek to:
- reduce the environmental impact of products through an integrated approach to production, distribution, consumption and handling at the end of their lifetime, including the development of clean technologies and environmentally friendly products;
- include plans and demonstration projects for the sustainable management of groundwater and surface water;
- include plans and demonstration projects for reducing air pollutants which affect climate.
Lastly, the Commission is called upon to put forward proposals concerning a fourth phase of LIFE no later than 30/09/2003.�