Safety and health at work: exposure of workers to noise


The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Helle THORNING-SCHMIDT (PES, DK) and made several amendments to the common position. The principal ones are as follows:

-Parliament sought to align the peak pressure level of the upper exposure action level with the original Commission proposal thus providing for some leeway between the upper action level and the exposure limit value;

-the text now clearly states that the effective exposure of worker is determinant for applying the exposure limit values;

-the risk assessment must take account of hearing protectors;

-the wearing of hearing protectors is mandatory as soon as the upper exposure action value is exactly matched;

-Parliament specified matters for consultation of workers;

-workers exposed above the lower exposure limit value are entitled to a simplified audiometric testing, thus reinforcing the prevention aspects of the directive through the possibility of early detection of hearing loss;

-the Commission report on the implementation of the directive shall be based also on new knowledge and research and shall include the result of an overall assessment of the implementation;

-the text clarifies the obligations of employers on information and training on hearing protectors;  

-the Bilbao Agency should encourage exchange of good practices;

-Parliament specified an exemption for music and entertainments sectors.