Community statistics: balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment

The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Luis BERENGUER FUSTER (PES, E), making some amendments to the proposal. It stated that an increase in the threshold provided in Regulation 2560/2001/EC would have a significant impact on the reporting burden of undertakings and on the quality of balance of payments of Member States, especially in the countries that have collection systems based on settlements. Parliament went on to state that in the field of balance of payments statistics, the European Central Bank and the Commission coordinate work on compilation issues as appropriate. This Regulation notably defines the statistical information that the Commission needs from the Member States in order to produce Community statistics on balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment. For the purposes of producing and disseminating these Community statistics, the Commission and the Member States consult with each other on matters concerning the quality of the data supplied and its dissemination. Parliament added a new paragraph to Annex 1 on Transmission of data (First reference periods).�