The European Parliament adopted by 409 to 10 votes, with 6 abstentions, a resolution drafted by Wolfgang KREISSL-DORFLER (PES, Germany). It made several amendments to the Commission's proposal. (Please see the summary dated 29/04/03.) In addition to several new recitals, Parliament's principal amendments were as follows:
- it will not be necessary to treat or stamp meat produced in the protection zone after 30 days, provided that it is confined to the domestic market;
- an information programme will be put in place in the Member states to inform the public about the safety of meat, milk and dairy products from vaccinated animals for human consumption;
- Member States contingency plans must be updated every three years;
- cross-border movements of vaccinated zoo animals or rare breeds are allowed, subject to OIE rules;
- the Commission must approve contingency plans as a matter of urgency.�