The European Parliament has adopted, under the consultation procedure, the report drafted by Mr Klaus-Heiner LEHNE (EPP/ED, D) on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a list of countries whose nationals are subject to a visa requirement in order to cross the external frontiers and a list of those whose nationals are exempt from this requirement. The report substantially approves the Commission proposal.
The new regulation, which will replace regulation 574/1999, establishes a list of third countries whose nationals are subject to a visa requirement for planned visits of no more than three months duration. The new text proposed by the Commission sets out to achieve total harmonisation by drawing up, alongside this first list, a list of countries whose nationals are exempt from the requirement to be in possession of a visa when crossing the European Union's external borders.
In addition, to minimise the restrictions of movement it is essential that the procedure and conditions for issuing visas by Member States are as smooth and simple as possible and do not cause unreasonable expenditure for the applicants.
It should also be noted that a Member State may exempt from the visa requirement young people who take part in the EU youth programmes. This Regulation shall not affect Member States' powers concerning the recognition of states and territorial units or of passports and travel and identity documents issued by the authorities of the latter.�