Public procurement: common vocabulary CPV

PURPOSETo create a legal basis for the classification of a Common Procurement Vocabulary (CVP). COMMUNITY MEASURE : Regulation 2195/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV). CONTENT : this Regulation allows for the possiblity to standardise, by means of a single classification system for public procurement, the references used by the contracting authorities and entities to describe the subject of contracts. The Member States shall to have a single reference system which uses the same description of goods in the official languages of the Community and the same corresponding alphanumeric code, thus making it possible to overcome the language barriers at Community level. This Regulation enabled a revised version of the CPV to be adopted as a single classification system for public procurement, the implementation of which is covered by the Directives on the coordination of procedures for the award of public contracts. It should be stated that a Regulation has been chosen rather than a Directive as the establishment of a classification system for public contracts does not require implementation by the Member States. The illustrative tables showing the correspondence between the CPV and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the EEC (CPA), the Provisional Central Product Classification (CPC Prov.) of the United Nations, the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities (NACE Rev. 1) and the Combined Nomenclature (CN) are set out in Annexes II, III, IV and V respectively. ENTRY INTO FORCE : 16/12/2003.�