Genetically modified organisms GMOs: traceability and labelling

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on GMO labelling, where the rapporteur was Antonios TRAKATELLIS (EPP-ED, Greece). The rapporteur voted against the report. (Please refer to the summary of 04/06/02.) The recitals make a specific reference to the precautionary principle. In exceptional cases, where there is a risk to health or environment, but where scientific data is still uncertain, the precautionary principle may be used to determine which risk management measures or other steps will be taken to ensure the high level of health protection that the Community desires. Parliament stated that, to cover cases of adventitious or technically unavoidable traces of material produced from GMOs, a threshold should be set up. As and when advances in science and technology allow, appropriately lower thresholds should be established. When placing products produced from GMOs on the market, operators must ensure that the words this product is produced from GMOs" or the words "This product contains [ingredient] produced from GMOs" appear on a label and in connection with the display and the advertising of the product.�