Disadvantaged regions in the context of the cohesion policy and its institutional perspectives

The European Parliament adopted the own-initiative report drafted by José Javier POMES RUIZ (EPP-ED, Spain) on structurally disadvantaged regions. (Please see the summary dated 21/05/03.) The resolution was adopted by 443 votes in favour, 42 against and 30 abstentions. Parliament proposed additional Treaty changes: - current provisions governing state aid, and specifically Article 87, should be amended so that aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or which suffer from permanent demographic handicaps might be compatible with the common market; - Article 158 of the Treaty should be amended to acknowledge that the Community takes account of the permanent structural handicaps linked to island status, mountainous geography and low population density, and will implement, where justified, specific measures in proportion to the severity of the constraints suffered.�