OBJECTIVE: to supplement the current production of harmonised statistics on the carriage of
goods by road.
COMMUNITY MEASURE: Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/98 on statistical returns in
respect of the carriage of goods by road.
SUBSTANCE: the Regulation provides that each Member State shall compile Community
statistics on the carriage of goods by road by means of goods road transport vehicles which are
registered in that Member State, and on the journeys made by such vehicles.
Member States are to collect statistics on:
- vehicle-related data;
- journey-related data;
- goods-related data.
In order to limit the burden on enterprises of the work involved, the Regulation allows Member
States to exclude from the scope of the Regulation operations by very small vehicles (up to 3.5
tons load capacity or 6 tons maximum permissible weight when loaded).
For the first three years of implementation of the statistical returns, Member States will receive
financial assistance from the Community towards the expenditure incurred in carrying out the
work involved.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 26/06/1998.