Ovine and caprine animals: registration and identification

The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Gordon ADAM (PES, United Kingdom) and made several amendments to the Commission proposal. (Please see the summary dated 04/11/03.) Parliament also stated that the requirements with regard to the data to be submitted to the database by each keeper should be determined on a Community basis. The database should also contain up-to-date information on all holdings which keep animals covered by this Regulation and which are situated on its territory, specifying the species, the number of animals kept and their keepers, and the type of production. Until such time as each Member State is able to establish a computer database, a central register should be created, comprising an up-to-date list of all holdings which keep animals covered by the Regulation and which are situated on its territory. Finally, within six months of the entry into force of the Regulation, the Commission must present a proposal for the financing, under the general budget of the European Communities, of the establishment of individual identification for ovine and caprine livestock.�