The European Parliament adopted a resolution based drafted by Jürgen ZIMMERLING (EPP-ED, D), making some amendments to the Commission's proposals. The main amendments are as follows:
- the committee amendment increasing the budget for the programme was rejected by Parliament;
- an additional objective was added, that of strengthening the networks of social organisations and movements campaigning for sustainable development, human rights, in particular social rights, and democratisation;
- cooperation partners include organisations of indigenous peoples, local organisations (including networks) which are active in the area of regional decentralised cooperation and integration, cultural, research and scientific organizations, religious associations or communities, media, and any nongovernmental associations and independent foundations likely to contribute to development;
- the activities of the agents associated with the objectives of the Regulation should be transparent and comply with the principles of sound financial management and accountability;
- as part of the annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of development policy, the Commission must present a summary of the operations financed, the impacts and results of such operations and an independent evaluation of the implementation of the Regulation during the year, as well as details of the decentralised cooperation actors with whom contracts have been concluded.�