Instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community


 The committee adopted the report by Mechtild ROTHE (PES, DE) approving the Commission proposal under the consultation procedure, subject to a few amendments. It stressed that, like the Council, Parliament had also repeatedly made clear that it strongly favoured the accession of a reunited Cyprus. In the event of a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, Parliament should also be involved in the procedure for adapting the Regulation.

The committee also adopted an amendment saying that any project financed under the Regulation should be carefully scrutinised to make sure that it did not "impinge upon the property rights of any EU citizen". Other amendments sought to ensure that any changes to the Agency's mandate should be subject to the relevant budgetary procedures and that the Commission's annual report on the implementation of Community assistance under the Regulation should be available by 1 May of each year, i.e. before the 1st reading of the budget of the following year, so that Parliament and Council could react to the results of such implementation.