The committee adopted the report by Angelika NIEBLER (EPP-ED, DE) broadly approving the proposal under the 1st reading of the codecision procedure, subject to a number of amendments, many of which were aimed at restructuring the directive to achieve greater consistency and clarity. Other key amendments sought to:
- clarify that parental leave is an individual right of every parent;
- provide a definition of "professional promotion" so that the concept cannot be abused to avoid equal opportunities requirements;
- ensure that any less favourable treatment of a woman who is pregnant or on maternity leave is also deemed to be discriminatory;
- require Member States to promote dialogue at the level of the social partners to promote flexible working arrangements with the aim of facilitating the reconciliation of work and private life;
- ensure that Member States conduct awareness campaigns for employers and for the public in general on equal opportunities issues;
- enable Member States to introduce or maintain provisions which ensure a higher level of protection in the area of equal treatment.