ACT : Commission Regulation 644/2005/EC authorising a special identification system for bovine animals kept for cultural and historical purposes on approved premises as provided for in Regulation 1760/2000/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT : this Regulation aims to establish a special identification system for animals recognised by the competent authority as being kept for cultural and historical purposes on premises approved for that purpose by that authority.
The special identification system should, in accordance with Regulation 1760/2000/EC, provide for derogations only from the application and removal of the approved ear tags. This regulation is without prejudice to the application of the other provisions of Regulation 1760/2000/EC.
By way of derogation from Regulation 1760/2000/EC, it is appropriate to provide that the approved ear tags may be removed without the permission of the competent authority, but under its control, after animals are moved to the premises and that such ear tags not need to be applied to animals born on such premises. In both cases the animals must be marked by specific means of identification. The approved ear tags should be applied to animals when they are moved from the premises or should accompany the animals if they are moved directly to other premises.
The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund Committee.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 01/05/2005.