Free movement of persons: European Quality Charter for Mobility in education and training


PURPOSE : proposal to adopt a European Quality Charter for Mobility, laying down a set of principles in the field of mobility for education and training purposes.

PROPOSED ACT : Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

CONTENT : Mobility in education and training is an integral part of the freedom of movement of persons and one of the main objectives of the EU’s action in the field of education and vocational training. It is an essential tool for creating a European area of education and training and for developing European awareness. Mobility issues have been incorporated within the general “Education and Training 2010” work programme which is the education and training strand of the Lisbon Strategy. Under this programme, Member States and the Commission cooperate on policy issues related to education and training.

The objectives of this proposal are, in essence:

-to lay down a common statement of principles whose use will lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness in all types of organised mobility for learning purposes;

-more specifically, to provide a reference point for all stakeholders within the integrated lifelong learning programme proposed by the Commission for the period 2007 to 2013.

The Recommendation consists of ten guidelines, addressed mainly to the sending and receiving organisations responsible for mobility. These may be summarised as follows:

Before departure: Ensure that participants have access to reliable sources of guidance and information on opportunities and conditions for mobility; draw up a learning plan, which will provide a framework for mobility; ensure prior preparation of the participant, in particular linguistic preparation, and ensure that the mobility experience contributes to personal and professional development.

During the stay in the host country: Provide linguistic and logistical support for participants, including information and/or assistance on travel, insurance, residence requirements, social security, social services, tax issues, lodging, etc; appoint a mentor to provide support and advice to help the participant integrate properly.

After the period of mobility: Ensure the recognition or certification of diplomas obtained or periods of

studies/training carried out; assist participants back into their social, educational or professional environments, in particular after long-term mobility; assess the outcome of the mobility and advise participants, on return, how best to use the competences acquired abroad.

Generally: Be clear about who is responsible for acting upon the various parts of the Recommendation.

The Charter should be regarded as "universal" in the sense that it covers all the possible types of educational mobility: formal and non-formal learning; short and long periods; school, university and on-the-job learning; young and adult learners, etc. This means that its text is inevitably generic; it is not possible, within such a short text, to cover all possible cases. Its principles will thus have to be adapted to circumstances, and in specific cases, some of its points will be more or less appropriate. The principles contained in the Charter provide a European reference to be tailored to particular cases.

Finally, the proposed Recommendation complements Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers.