The committee adopted the report by Jorgo CHATZIMARKAKIS (ALDE, DE) amending - under the 1st reading of the codecision procedure - the proposal establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The amendments were part of a compromise package agreed between the rapporteur and the Council with a view to ensuring that the programme can be adopted at 1st reading and enter into force, as planned, on 1 January 2007. The key amendments were as follows:
- it should be stipulated in Article 1 that particular attention shall be paid to the needs of SMEs and that the programme shall "contribute to closing the gap between research and innovation, and promote all forms of innovation";
- a new article was introduced clarifying the type of action that may be used to support 'eco-innovation'. It was also stipulated that the annual report of the "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" specific programme shall clearly identify eco-innovation activities;
- as part of the deal reached with Council, the budget for the programme, running from 2007 to 2013, would be reduced from the Commission's original proposal of EUR 4 212.6 million to EUR 3 196 million. 60% of the overall budget would be allocated to the "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme", of which "approximately one fifth" would be implemented to promote eco-innovation;
- a new article provided for the Commission to publish "a readable and user-friendly User Manual establishing a clear, simple and transparent framework of general principles for the participation of beneficiaries in the Framework Programme". This should make it easier for SMEs to take part in the programme;
- the Commission should be advised by a Strategic Advisory Board on Competitiveness and Innovation composed of representatives of industry and business associations (including those representing SMEs), and other experts;
- a number of amendments sought to improve the monitoring and evaluation aspects of the framework programme.