Community financial contribution towards Member States fisheries control programmes: extension until 2006


The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Paulo CASACA (PES, PT) making some amendments to the proposal:

-all Member States shall submit their annual fisheries control programme by 1 June 2004 for 2004, and by 31 January 2005 for 2005. The annual programmes for 2006 shall be submitted not later than 45 days after the entry into force of the legislation. The Commission’s timetable had stated that programmes for 2006 must also be submitted by 31 January 2005;

-a new clause stipulated that the Commission's decision on the Community financial contribution provided for in Article 6 of Decision 2004/465/EC should be based on objective criteria which take account of shortcomings in existing control systems, the size of Exclusive Economic Zones and all zones which are to be monitored by the Member States, and the number of fishermen subject to controls;

-Parliament raised - from 50% as proposed by the Commission to 75% - the maximum rate of cofinancing for the purchase and modernisation of vessels and aircraft used for inspection and surveillance;

-by 31 December 2006 at the latest and on the basis of the information provided by the Member States, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an interim report on the application of this Decision.