Common Fisheries Policy CFP: Community financial measures for the implementation of the Fisheries Policy and of the Law of the Sea 2007-2013


The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Catherine STIHLER (PES, UK) and made some amendments to the proposal:

-the introduction and operating costs of VMS and other surveillance in third countries are specifically included;

-the specific objectives of the Community financial measures are set out, in line with the Council Conclusions of 19 July 2004 regarding Fisheries Partnership Agreements;

-there is an explicit commitment to data collection for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of new fisheries, (which currently only applies to aquaculture), and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of fisheries programmes and measures;

-one amendment provides funding for RACs for operating costs beyond the initial period of five years and funding so that they might be able to commission scientific advice;

-funding must also be provided for expenditure relating to the establishment and promotion of associations representing small-scale coastal fishing and its involvement in the common fisheries policy decision-making process;

-expenditure on agreements with third countries must be subject, in the case of each agreement, to the level of expenditure proposed being recommended as providing value for money by an evaluation report on the agreement including full justification for all expenditure;

-by 31 December 2009, Council must adopt a framework regulation on third country fisheries agreements based on a proposal from the Commission. It must specify general objectives for agreements, procedures for their negotiation and administration, and include criteria for their evaluation with respect to value to the Community, their coherence with other Community policies including development and environment, and their environmental, economic and social sustainability;

-summaries and aggregated data shall be published by the Commission;

-every fisheries partnership agreement or fisheries agreement shall contain a mechanism allowing the Commission to ascertain whether or not the monies paid to the third country have been disbursed in the manner designated by the agreement.