PURPOSE: to extend into 2006 a programme for the dissemination of good practices in the ICT sector and to monitor the take-up of information and communication technologies.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision 2113/2005/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision 2256/2003 with a view to extension of the programme in 2006 for the dissemination of good practices and monitoring of the take-up of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
CONTENT: in 2003 the EU adopted Decision 2256/2003 setting up the Modinis programme, which had the remit to monitor the 2005 eEurope Action Programme. In 2004, the Council invited the Commission to prepare a strategy for future challenges relating to the IT sector. This the Commission did when it prepared a Communication entitled Challenges for the European Information Society beyond 2005. In this Communication, the Commission identifies a number of challenges facing the EU IT sector up until and beyond 2010. In its report the Commission argues for wider use of ICTs and for continuing a policy of monitoring the EU’s IT uptake complemented by an exchange of best practices. In 2005, it was decided to amalgamate a number of Community specific programmes relating to competitiveness and innovation under one “Innovation Framework Programme”, 2007-2013. Hence the eEurope programme will expire at the end of 2005; its role being taken up in 2007 under the Innovation Framework Programme. However, in the twelve months between the expiry of the eEurope programme and the implementation of the new Framework Programme in 2007, the take-up of ICT’s across the economy needs to be monitored and supported through continual benchmarking, complemented by statistical analysis based on structural indicators. For the sake of continuity Decision 2256/2003 has therefore been amended as follows:
- The programme will cover the period from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2006.
- The programme for 2006 shall continue monitoring the take-up and use of ICTs across the economy.
- The practice of disseminating good practices will continue with Member States comparing the best in the world through the use of official statistics.
- Member States will continue to stimulate the use of ICTs at a national, regional or local level.
- The programme’s activities will be cross-sectoral in nature. None of the actions must duplicate Community activities. The actions taken on bench-marking, good practice and policy co-ordination will be based on the 2005 Commission Communication Working together for growth and jobs – A new start for the Lisbon strategy.
- The following actions are to be under-taken: Action 1 - data collection and analysis on benchmarking; Action 2 – Dissemination of good practises through studies and targeted conferences. Action 3 – Analysis and strategic discussions.
- The financial framework for the programme’s implementation is set at EUR 30 160 000.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 27 December 2005.