Radiocommunications, broadcasting, transport: coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based public radio paging (repeal. Directive 90/544/EEC)


PURPOSE : to repeal Directive 90/544/EEC, the ERMES Directive, in order to adopt a new harmonised spectrum plan for this band in accordance with Decision 676/2002 on Radio Spectrum.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Directive 2005/0082 of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing Council Directive 90/544 on the frequency bands designated for the co-ordinated introduction of pan-European land-based public radio paging in the Community.

CONTENT: this legislative act has been adopted in response to the declining use of the 169,4 to 169,8 MHz spectrum band, four channels of which (through Directive 90/544) were reserved for the pan-European land-based public radio paging service (ERMES). Under provisions spelt out in Decision 676/2002 on Radio Spectrum the Commission has been given the authority to adopt technical implementing measure which guarantee harmonised conditions for the availability and efficient use of the spectrum band. The Commission proposes using the 169,4 – 169,8 band to better use including applications which could benefit people with impairments of disabilities. As such, the Commission mandated the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administration (CEPT) to examine applications for this band related to assistance for people with disabilities. Accordingly, the CEPT produced a new frequency plan and a channel arrangement, which allow six types of preferred application to share the band.  For these reasons, Directive 90/544 has been repealed by the adoption of this Decision.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 27 December 2005.