The Commission considers that the common position in no way alters the aims and approach of its proposal and can therefore support it, all the more so because the common position takes due account of amendments proposed by the European Parliament at its first reading and of the amended Commission proposal. It is the result of inter-institutional discussions which have produced this compromise text. The Commission and the made separate statements at the time of adoption of the common position.
The Commission states that it is committed to the promotion of parental leave as an instrument of paramount importance in order to achieve full equality between men and women in working life. It is determined to ensure that the conditions of reconciliation between work and private life are improved through the proper implementation of the parental leave Directive and the monitoring of its sufficiency and effectiveness.
The Commission intends to designate the area of reconciliation between work and private life as one of its priority objectives in the roadmap for equality between women and men which has been adopted on 1st of March 2006. In that context it is foreseen to carry out an analysis of the situation concerning all areas of reconciliation including parental leave, flexible working arrangements and care facilities with a view to developing policy responses where appropriate. The initiation of an exchange of views with the social partners will constitute an element of these activities.